Sunday, February 22, 2009

Update: Lynne

It's been a few weeks since I have updated here, but I have still been doing regular updates on my personal blog. I'll try to update each one with my results on a more regular basis.

Overall, things have been going pretty well. I've been consistently losing weight (although small numbers weekly) and eating well. Since my last update, I've lost a little over 5 pounds!

However, I am struggling with developing a regular exercise routine, mostly because of my schedule at work changing weekly, unexpected events coming up, and friends and family that have been visiting from out of town. Last week I manged to not work out a single day, and am struggling with finding time for the gym this week as well. I hope that once I am statused as full-time again in March, I will have a regular work schedule and that things will get easier.

I also signed up for a 5K on March 7! I'm looking forward to participating in one again, as it's almost been a full year since my last one.


  1. Lynne..I'm so proud of you. I will be thinking of you as you are running your 5K. I know you can do it. Your motivation - wavering or not - keeps me motivated as well. I can't wait to see your progress in June!

  2. Thanks! Can't wait to see you in June either!
